Matthew 23, 1-12:
“He who would be first among you shall be your servant… He who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.”
In one way or another, we can all see ourselves reflected in today’s gospel because we all like to be served rather than serve.
We find it hard to ” bow down ” to others and we prefer to have them bow down to us.
The word service is very much in our minds. We use it for everything.
It is always good to seem that we are spending our lives in the service of others.
But, even though it is a word that is very much in our heads, we have to work to make it pass into our hearts and also into our hands.
Let us ask the Lord to make us consistent and humble in our service.
May we always feel what we think and do what we feel without ever believing that we are superior to others.
May the Lord always make us feel that we are the servants of all our sisters and brothers and help us also to pass this feeling into our hands.
Good day.
Antonio María Sanjuán Marín, cmf