Serving the Word: Mt 10, 34-11,1

Matthew 10, 34-11.1:
“Anyone who finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it”.

What a contrast between the concept we have of losing and winning to the concept of losing and winning that Jesus has!.
For Jesus, we gain when we lose and we lose when we win.
The more life we lose for himand for others, the more life we win.
As a mother, the more life she gives to her children the more life of a mother she has.
Not even a cup of cold water will be useless or sterile when it is given to communicate life.
Realize today the times when you lose life to give life: time, sleep, energy, plans…
You will surely feel you have more life.
Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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