Serving the Word: Mk 1: 21b-28


Mark 1, 21b-28:
“They were all amazed and asked, ‘What is this? A new teaching presented with authority. He even commands the unclean spirits and they obey him”.

The authority of Jesus in the Gospel of St. Mark is associated with the power to cast out demons, which is the same as saying with the power to cast out of the human person everything that shackles and enslaves him.
The authority that emanates from the person of Jesus is capable of healing suffering, restoring joy and dignity and restoring the person to his fullness as a human being.
You too can act with the authority of Jesus.
And you do it whenever you are compassionate towards the sufferings of others, whenever you approach their problems, when you are a good Samaritan healing their wounds, when you comfort and share, when you spread joy and dissolve sorrows, when you sow peace and fight for justice
When you act in this way, you are “casting out demons” because you are the extension of Jesus’ authority.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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