Luke 6, 36-38:
“Be compassionate… Do not judge… Do not condemn… Pardon… Give… The amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back.”
We use such different measurements to measure ourselves and to measure others.
This Monday of Lent can be a good day for you to revise your measurements:
✓ of capacity: How capable are you of forgiving? Are you one of those who say “I forgive but I do not forget”?. Note that God does not forgive like this.
✓ of length: How far does your measurement of love and mercy reach? Remember that the measure of God’s love is love without measure.
✓ of weight: Are your weighing scales fair? Do you not load on more or tilt the balance according to your personal interests? God always leans toward mercy.
+ Forgive by burning and making ashes.
+ love without measure.
+ Fill yourself with mercy.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf