Serving the Word: Lk 24, 13-35


Luke 24, 13 – 35:
“Stay with us, for it is evening and the day is falling.”

Two of Jesus’ disciples are fleeing from Jerusalem after the sad events of Good Friday.
They are walking in disappointment, in sadness, in pain, in despair…
Along the way, a wayfarer joins them. It is the same Jesus who is hidden from their eyes.
This fellow traveller questions them. And, in response, he explains to them from the Word of God the events that have taken place.
The three of them, at nightfall, sit down at the table for dinner. And when that stranger breaks the bread, the eyes of the two walkers are opened and they recognize Jesus.
Without realizing it, the risen Jesus also walks with you.
Let his Word inflame your heart.
Let the bread of the Eucharist make you recognize his presence.
And let his Word and his Eucharist drive you to announce the good news of the Resurrection as he encouraged these two disciples.
Keep on living and keep on announcing Jesus’ Easter.
Good day.

Antonio María Sanjuán Marín, cmf

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