Serving the Word: Lc 14, 25-33

Wednesday 6 November

Luke 14, 25-33:
“He who does not carry his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”

Whenever we opt for a profession or lif-style we must assume the consequences of what this implies and, above all, the maturity to be responsible and live from those conditions that I have chosen.
To follow Jesus involves what he himself tells us:
– Put Jesus in first place leaving aside my selfishness and personal benefit.
– Carry you own cross going behind Jesus. This is equivalent to knowing my limitations, my sufferings, my sins…
– Follow Him: equivalent to taking up his cause and the consequences that follow from it. You have to listen to it, you have to live what he asks of us and you have to be constant in following it day by day.
The conditions of being a disciple of Jesus are very demanding. What is worthwhile, costs.
But also, what costs, by achieving it, gives you an immense joy.
It is like the treasure hidden in the field that it is discovered by someone and, full of joy, they sell all their possessions to buy that field.
Consider your life as a disciple of Jesus and sell what gets in the way of following him.
Never think in losses but in gains. With Jesus you always win.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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