John 13, 21-33.36-38:
“Peter replied: Lord, I will lay down my life for you. Jesus answered: Lay down your life for me? I tell you most solemnly, before the cock crows you will have disowned me three times.”
Peter was very sure of himself. He trusted too much in his own strength. And from that security and confidence in himself, he promised Jesus that he would lay down his life for him.
But the moment of truth came a few hours later. His fear was stronger than his promise. And before the cock crowed, he had denied Jesus three times.
Today’s gospel contains a double call:
+ In the first place, it is a call to faithfulness despite the difficulties. It is in the difficulties where fidelity is best demonstrated. We often say that it is in the hard times that we know our true friends.
+ Secondly, it is also a call to humility. Peter was too presumptuous. He depended on his own efforts. He did not rely on the forces of the Lord, who also told everyone that without Him they could do nothing.
Try to live in fidelity to Jesus but also count on the strength that he gives you to live it.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf