Serving the Word: John 12: 44-50

John 12, 44-50:
“I, the light, have come into the world, so that whoever believes in me need not stay in the dark anymore.”

These days, Jesus has presented himself as the Good Shepherd who invites us to listen to him and to follow him.
If you don’t want your faith to be progressively diluted and falling into superficiality and in an atmosphere of gloom and darkness, you have to listen to the voice of Jesus, who, with his living word will illuminate your steps, your feelings and your actions.
He will enlighten you:
+ to believe what he believed,
+ to value that he valued,
+ to defend what he defended,
+ To do good as he did,
+ to trust in the Father as he trusted him,
+ to face up to life and death as he faced them.
Without the light that Jesus gives you with His Word, you will be able to take only a few steps in following him.
Make it a habit to always look for that light and to live in it.
Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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