Serving the Word: 6th February


Mark 6, 30-34:

“Come away by yourselves to a quiet place and rest a while… Jesus saw the crowd and was moved with pity for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd”.


In the Gospel presented to us today, two very human traits of Jesus appear:

1: Jesus invites us to rest. He understands that the apostles come back tired and need to restore their strength.

It is not all work and effort.

We also need relaxation, rest and a peaceful and restorative life together.

2: Jesus feels compassion for those who seek him like sheep without a shepherd. And he is not in a hurry to give them what they are looking for and need.

He began to teach them many things and taught them calmly.

You too rest as much as you can.

Do not let yourself be carried away by work, by occupations, by everything that takes away your peace, calm and harmony in your life.

So as to be able to continue serving more and better and to continue walking we need, from time to time, to stop in an “oasis”.

In the midst of your occupations, don’t be in a hurry to attend to people. Don’t worry, don’t be impatient.

Try to put into practice this teaching that Jesus gives us today.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf


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