Serving the Word: 3rd July

MONDAY 3rd JULY 2023

John 20, 24-29:

“My Lord and my God”.


The Gospel today repeats twice that “the doors were locked”.

The disciples are afraid and so they hide themselves and lock the doors.

But Jesus makes himself present without opening the doors, and precisely because Jesus makes himself present, the doors open wide.

The power of the Spirit of Jesus makes cowards brave. The Spirit that fearful disciples receive turns them into Apostles who go out into the world to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel.

It is possible that also today many Christians close doors and windows and fear can be with us.

With the “unbelieving” Thomas, let us openly confess our faith in our Lord and our God.

And let us be brave enough to feel sent by Jesus to proclaim his resurrection as did St Thomas whose feast we celebrate today.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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