Serving the Word: 15th July

SATURDAY, JULY 15th, 2023

Matthew 10, 24-33:

“If anyone takes my side before others, I will also take their side before my Father in heaven. And if anyone denies me before others, I will also deny them before my Father in heaven”.


The comment we can make on today’s Gospel passage is much the same as yesterday’s.

During this summer time we tend to have more encounters with others, we relate more with people, we live more outwardly, we spend more time in the street….

This makes it possible for us and also leads us to make our witness as Christians often clearer and more evident.

Also in summer we have to be courageous witnesses of the faith we profess.

We cannot keep our Christianity in winter clothes.

We are witnesses by our conduct and also by our words.

It is far from being a question of being “crusaders”. But neither is it a matter of being frightened and dominated by fear. We cannot go with our crosses held high, but neither can we go with our hands tied and our mouths gagged.

Ask the Lord that you may know how to carry into your life the words of today’s Gospel: “If anyone takes my side before others, I will also take their side before my Father in heaven. And if anyone denies me before others, I will also deny them before my Father in heaven”.

Be courageous in your Christian witness.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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