WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 2023
Matthew 10:1-7:
“Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to cast out unclean spirits and to cure every disease and sickness. These twelve Jesus sent out…. Go and proclaim that the kingdom of heaven has come”.
Jesus thinks of us and wants us in community.
He calls each one of us by our own name, not to put us individually in a cage but to integrate us all into one community without each one losing our own originality and identity.
Just as one day he called Peter, James, Simon… etc., today he also calls you so that you may be integrated into his group, which is the Church.
And just as one day he sent Thomas, Andrew, Philip, etc., to preach and proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is near, today he also sends you.
Feel called by Jesus.
And feel yourself also sent by him to live and proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom.
He is also with you to “cast out unclean spirits and cure every disease and sickness”.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf