New youth ambassadors in Spain for WYD Lisbon 2023

The Team of YVM in Spain is travelling these weeks around the Province of Fatima in its Spanish part appointing “embaixadores jovens” in view of the WYD Lisbon 2023 in Claretian Family.

Thus, a few weeks ago they shared time with the coordinators and leaders of the YVM of Almendralejo, Don Benito and Seville, where they also took the opportunity to have a day of coexistence with the APJ of Seville: in the Eucharist, all of them and the young people of the place were included in the list of “youth ambassadors” of the WYD Claret Way.

Another stop was Granada. The Team was able to share the beginning of the course with the young people from the Parish of the Holy Spirit in Granada, as well as doing the same in the Parish of Santa Catalina in Loja.

Last October 14 and 15, the Team travelled to Malaga where they had the opportunity to share with the Claretian Community a dialogue on our vision and mission of the YVM Team in the Province of Fatima and specifically on the reality of the YVM in Malaga. They were also able to dialogue with the leaders of the APJ of the place (Fr. Félix Clement cmf and Juan Ramírez) and shared some information and a small encounter with a group of APJs, which ended with the appointment of all of them as Youth Ambassadors for the WYD Claret Way, Lisbon 2023.

We join the YVM Team in thanking all the ambassadors for WYD Claret Way. We are still on our way!


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