New aspirants at Claret House (Harare, Zimbabwe)

Three new aspirants have joined our formation community at Claret House in Harare (Zimbabwe) this academic year 2022-23. From left to right according to the photo, they are: Stanford Matsinhise (20 years old) from Masvingo; Justice Munsaka (27 years old) from Hwange; and Rodrick Ziumbwa (22 years old) from our mission in Zhomba, each from a different part of the country!

All three are doing their propaedeutic year in view of starting their philosophy studies at the Jesuit Arrupe University next year.

Together with Effort Mupfudza, 26 years old and originally from St. Paul Mission, Chevecheve (Gokwe Diocese), who is in his second year of philosophy at Arrupe Jesuit University, and the formation team (Fr. Manuel Ogalla CMF and Fr. Luis Maria Guerrero CMF), they make up this vibrant community.

Let us pray for these young people who are preparing to become faithful religious and zealous missionaries, forged in the heart of our Mother Mary, following in the footsteps of St. Anthony Mary Claret, our founder.


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