From February 20 to 22 in Los Negrales (Madrid) an encounter of the Prefects of Spirituality of the 5 Claretian Provinces of Europe was held. Frs. Gonzalo Fernández (General Prefect of Spirituality), Renato Caprioli (Sanctus Paulus), Robert Pirka (Poland), José Ramón Sanz (Santiago), Georg Hopf (Germany) and Félix J. Martínez (Fátima) attended the meeting.
The objective has been how to animate the Claretian spirituality in our Provinces. Keeping in mind the celebrations of this year 2020: 150th anniversary of the death of Claret, beginning of the formative and spiritual project “Claretian Year”, 150th anniversary of the approval of the Constitutions?
On the first day of the meeting, the Superior General, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, was present by video conference.