I Triduum in honour of Jesus in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem in the Parish of San Juan Bautista de Don Benito

The Brotherhood of the ‘Borriquita’ of Don Benito is celebrating the 1st Triduum in honour of Jesus in his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem in the Parish of San Juan Bautista de Don Benito (Spain) from the 18th to the 20th of November, the Day of Christ the King.

On 18 and 19 November the celebration will be at 20.00 hours and will be presided over by Fr. Manuel Segura Giráldez cmf, Prefect of Economy of the Province of Fatima and founding parish priest of the Parish Brotherhood. In addition, the first day of the triduum, Friday 18, will be celebrated in suffrage for all the deceased brothers and sisters. On Saturday 19th, the Youth Group of the Brotherhood is organising, in the courtyards of the Parish, the 1st Solidarity Bar with the collaboration of the Parish, the Brotherhood and different companies, where people will be able to eat and drink at popular prices with a solidarity purpose.

On Sunday 20 November, Christ the King, the celebration will be at 12.30 p.m. and will be presided over by Fr José Márquez Valdés cmf, consiliary of the Parish Brotherhood and parish priest of San Juan. On this day, the new members of the Governing Board will take office.


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