Fr. Adolfo Lamata elected Provincial Superior of the Claretian Missionaries of Santiago Province

Fr. Adolfo Lamata Muyo cmf is the new Provincial Superior of the Claretian Missionaries of the Province of Santiago for the next six-year term (2022-2028). Until now, Fr. Adolfo exercised the function of Major Superior due to the election of the previous Provincial Superior, Fr. Pedro Belderrain, as councillor in the General Government.

In addition, the Provincial Government is now as follows:

– Consultor-prefect of Economy: Fr. Ángel de la Parte.

– Consultor-prefect of Formation and Spirituality: Fr. Anthony Igbokwe.

– Consultor-prefect of Apostolate: Fr. Luis Arribas.

– Consultor-prefect “without portfolio”: Fr. Teodoro Bahillo.

We pray for him and his government team that their service will bear much fruit in the face of all the challenges ahead.

To know more about the Provincial Superior, click here.

To know more about the new Provincial Government, click here.


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