On 26 June, the main church of Tondela gathered a large number of faithful to participate in the Sunday Eucharist and celebrate the Feast of Profession of Faith 2022. In this way, the 36 children in 6th and 7th grade of catechesis were accompanied by their parents, siblings, grandparents, godparents and relatives.
During the homily, the parish priest, Fr. Victor Portugal, interacted with the children and reminded them that they have already grown a little more in the faith, as well as demonstrating to the Christian community that they want to be strong people and firm Christians in the faith, to be missionary disciples of Jesus.
Fr. Victor ended the celebration with some moving words: “To profess the faith, at the end of six years of catechesis, is not to say goodbye to the group, to the catechesis, to the Church; on the contrary, it is to send oneself, to be sent, to continue the Way; and what is the Way? The way of love is the way of the Cross; the Cross is the ‘plus’ sign, it is the sign of Jesus’ love. Please do not stop following this Way, which is Jesus”.
We congratulate all the children who participated in this celebration, their families and all the people who made this great event of Faith possible.