Commentary for Sunday: Holy Family

December 29th, 2019. Holy Family (Mt 2, 13-15.19-23):

A young, unmarried woman. With limited financial means. Promised in marriage, and pregnant by someone other than her betrothed. If her situation became public, she would be condemned to die by stoning.
Bad circumstances to form a new family.
The right to decide? What should she do?
Her name is Mary. She’s young and brave. She knows her betrothed loves her, and she accepts the one who is on his way. Together they will come to form a family. The Holy Family. Because they have not been selfish. They’ve thought beyond themselves. Because they accept the Word of God, despite the many difficulties. Because they trust the given word.
And the son will be the delight of his parents. And the parents a pride for the son.
And for us, the possibility of salvation. Consequences of Christmas.
I would like these words to be a breath of hope and optimism, of decision and commitment, for all women who are immersed in doubt and see the future as too black.
And my congratulations to all of you who are part of a family where all members are loved!

Juan Ramon Gomez Pascual, cmf

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