Commentary for Sunday: 9th October

Luke 17, 11-19:

Sunday, 11th October, 2022 (28th T O C)


This Sunday’s first reading tells us how Naaman, general of the Syrian army, heeded the word of the prophet Elisha, bathed in the river Jordan and was cured of leprosy. From then on only the Lord will be his God.

Also in the Gospel we are told how Jesus healed 10 lepers, but only one of them, a foreigner like Naaman, returns to give thanks for his healing. That will be his salvation.

This Sunday’s Word makes it clear to us that confident prayer (Jesus, Master, have mercy on us…) has great power. Especially if it is a prayer that reflects our personal condition and weaknesses. It also teaches us that God’s mercy excludes no one, whatever their condition, and that this obliges us believers to offer the peace and salvation we have received from God. And, above all other things, that we must recover the gift of gratitude, which we sometimes forget.

We need Grace to touch our hearts in order to welcome in an affective and effective way those who cross our path. Many of them teach us to be grateful.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf

Do you practice thankfulness and gratuity?


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