Commentary for Sunday: 25th April

John 10, 11-18

Sunday, 25 April 2021 (4th T P B)


There are many people whom we consider leaders, idols, role models or whatever we want to call them, because we see in them qualities or aptitudes that we would like to have. Singers, because they express through their music feelings that we carry inside us; sportsmen and women, because they physically carry out activities for which we are not capable; writers, because of their ability to tell us about events; or politicians because they propose ways of life that reflect how we would like things to be. We seem to be in need of certain guides.

The word of God proposes Jesus to us as the Good Shepherd, that guide in whom we can place our trust because he will never let us down. He is different from the others because he knows us personally, he is ready to sacrifice himself for his own, he always leads the way. He confirms this with his life. And he calls us to follow him, to also become someone who can show the way to others. Those who are pastors, parents, educators, catechists, bosses or superiors, must be models of reference for all those who want to live from love and justice, and not from the search for self-seeking or for their own convenience.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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