Commentary for Sunday: 23rd May

John 20, 19-23:

Sunday, 23rd May 2021 (Pentecost)


After the resurrection the Lord appeared to the disciples on various occasions. The Gospel of John tells us about the one on the day of the resurrection and gives it a special significance: the Risen One fills the disciples with peace, identifies himself and fills them with joy, and sends them as the Father sent him. For this he gives them the power of his Spirit.

When Jesus said goodbye to the disciples, he promised them that he would be with them every day, until the end of the world. But with a different presence, through his Spirit. And on the day of Pentecost this new mode of presence began. Like that Force that led the apostles to be witnesses of Jesus and to give their lives for it.

Today, too, this presence continues to be real and palpable. It is in those Christians who every day try to live by loving those around them. In those who give their all for peace and justice. In those who are able to give their lives when they are humiliated, persecuted and martyred for the mere fact of believing in Jesus. Present also when there is someone capable of forgiveness. When, from the Pope down to the last of the faithful, they show a way of love and respect for others. And in the sacraments, signs of God’s action and love for us.

St. Paul says that “no one can say: Jesus is Lord, except under the action of the Holy Spirit”. We must seek that presence of the Spirit in our lives and let him act in us. This is the way to fulfil Jesus’ command: Go out to the whole world and live the Gospel”.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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