Commentary for Sunday: 23rd April

Luke 24, 13 – 35:

Sunday, 23rd April 2023 (3rd Easter A)

Luke tells us this Sunday about a “return journey”.

It is in the evening and two disciples are walking along, sad, silent, disillusioned. A stranger joins them on their journey. They tell him the reason for their sadness and disappointment: “we had hoped that he was the Messiah”. They have not accepted the word of those who said that morning that they had seen him. And the stranger gives them some explanations. He stays with them for supper, and in the breaking of the bread they realise that it is the same Jesus, risen from the dead. They had not recognised him. But he then disappears.

They return immediately. Now they go with joy, their eyes open to understand the Scriptures, eager to tell the others what has happened to them: he is alive and they have seen him!

It is possible that at times we also feel disillusioned, with our hope clouded, looking to the future with a certain discouragement. We need him to be present in our lives and to restore our hope and illusion. It is time to remember that he told us: “I will always be with you; I will never leave you alone”.

It is Sunday again, a day to meet the Lord. To recognise Him present in the breaking of bread, in supper with him and our brothers and sisters. To be filled with joy because he speaks his word to us, gives us his forgiveness and his love. And to feel the need to communicate to everyone the great event we are living: He is alive and among us!


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf

Do you share that Jesus is alive and lives among us?


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