John 10, 1-10: Sunday, April 30th, 2023 (4th Easter A) Good Shepherd Sunday. In the Gospel of John Jesus tells us: “He who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep, and they listen [...]
SATURDAY 29th APRIL 2023 Matthew 11, 25-30: “You have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to ordinary people.” We always hold up as a model of [...]
The Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelisation (ECEM) has been in Carmona (Seville) conducting two Marian Missionary Weeks. It began in the Parish of San Antón, to later do the same in the [...]
FRIDAY 28th APRIL 2023 John 6, 52-59: “My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwells in me and I in him”. The Jews do not [...]
My friend Pedro Maria Zabilde, in his book Happiness is not for fools, tells us a delightful episode: he went into a large, clean village barber’s shop and came across a well-bred barber, a [...]
A group of 15 young people from different areas of Zimbabwe gathered at Zhomba Mission from April 20-23, for a vocation camp organized by the Claretian Youth and Vocation Ministry in Zimbabwe led [...]
THURSDAY 27th APRIL 2023 John 6, 44-51: “I am the bread of life”. Jesus continues to present himself today as the bread of life. We need the material bread to nourish our [...]
On the first day back after the Easter holidays, the whole educational community of the Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (CIC) was invited to reflect on the Easter message of Christ, in a [...]
WEDNESDAY 26th APRIL 2023 Matthew 5, 13-16: “You are the salt of the earth…. You are the light of the world”. As followers of Jesus we have the mission to make him [...]
We live in a culture of image and ostentation. Many people are convinced that the more they present themselves as well-groomed and composed, the more they dazzle, the more seductive and envied [...]