Claretian Discerning Leadership Workshop-ECLA

From May 1 to 13, 2023, the Claretian Discerning Leadership Encounter offered to the teams of the provincial governments of ECLA is being held in the Spirituality Centre of Vic (Barcelona).

The group of participants, 19 in total, represents the Organisms of Santiago (Frs. Adolfo Lamata, Teodoro Bahillo and Luis Arribas), Sanctus Paulus (Fr. Juan Martín Askaiturrieta, Màxim Muñoz, Francis Kubikula and Agustín Muñoz), Fátima (Frs. Carlos Candeias, Joâo Luis Escaleira and Jorge Sánchez), Poland (Frs. Piort Beza and Lucasz Przybylo) and other Claretians of the communication team of the General Curia (Fr. Louie Guades II), of the Claretianum (Fr. Edgardo Guzmán) and of the CESC (Frs. Sebin Mundackal and Juan Carlos Martos). As in the previous Workshops already held in ASCLA and ACLA, the coordination and animation of the Encounter is the responsibility of Frs. Gonzalo Fernandez (Santiago) and Paulson Veliyannoor (SANYASA-Bangalore).

The objective of this workshop is to help the greatest number of Claretians responsible for communities or activities to grow as persons and to train them for the exercise of “discerning leadership” within the framework of the ecclesial and congregational orientations. The workshop also integrates the valuable help offered by recent contributions from the human sciences.

The highlights of what has been experienced and discussed so far, now that the halfway point has been passed, are reflected in these indicators:

– First and foremost, a good level of fraternal integration and active participation on the part of the various attendees, being of such diverse backgrounds, cultures and languages.

– The theoretical contents approach the subject of leadership from various systematised angles such as: 1) The models (Jesus Christ, Mary and Fr. Claret); 2) The understanding of the service of authority in the Church and in the Congregation; 3) Personal and community discernment, with the practice of personal examination; 4) The person of the leader and his self-care and the roles of the governing team; 5) The essential elements of the exercise of government.

– The pedagogical dynamics, varied and successful, succeeded in involving all the participants and in personalising in a deeper way the understanding of the nature of leadership and its exercise.

– On the afternoon of Thursday 4th, participants visited the CESC facilities, which some of them had not yet visited. On Friday the 5th they attended the film “Libres” which was being shown in one of the city’s cinemas. Taking advantage of the presence of the Claretians of Catalonia, who on May 6 were holding their Regional Encounter in Vic, the participants of the Workshop were able to greet them and get to know them. Among them was Fr. Manuel Tamargo, Econome General.


(Information provided by Juan Carlos Martos cmf, director of the Centre of Claretian Studies of Vic).

(PHOTOS: Louie Guades III CMF)


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