CIC celebrates the day of its patron saint, Father Claret, ‘From the Word’

Last October 24, the Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (CIC) celebrated the Day of Father Claret with all its educational community under the motto ‘From the Word’, an occasion that served to renew and give continuity to the “construction” initiated on July 16, 1849, date on which Claret began a great work: he founded the Congregation of the Claretian Missionaries or Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The day began with a moment of conviviality and Eucharist, which was presided by Fr. João Luís Escaleira, responsible for the Youth Vocational Ministry (YVM) of the Province of Fátima.

During and after the meal, several recreational activities took place, promoted by the CIC Students’ Association. In addition to these recreational activities, there was also time for cultural moments. And around 4.15 p.m., it was time to gather the “CIC Family” for the closing of a new School and Patron Saint’s Day with a joint activity among all those who are part of the Educational Community. It was a moment that adds another “chapter” to these 115 years of CIC’s history.

All in all, the day brought with it much celebration, joy and fellowship, as well as time for prayer and spiritual growth. The journey continues “from the Word, dreaming and making the future present”.

Congratulations to the whole “CIC Family” for another special moment lived in Community!



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