On 31 October, in a simple celebration presided over by the Provincial Prefect of Formation, the young Samuel Abelaira García, a native of Malaga (Spain), was admitted to begin his canonical [...]
Last week, around the feast of Fr. Claret, our missionaries in Zimbabwe experienced several important moments: From 21st to 23rd they had an Assembly: On the 23rd they received the ministry of [...]
This Saturday, the feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret, four of the students of the Theologate of Granada renewed their religious vows. These were Naing Lin Htun from the Province of the [...]
The formation section of our Claretian Theologate in Granada (Spain) began the course with a retreat of prayer, fraternity and programming. It was last weekend in Loja. Here are some photos: [...]
This year, our Zimbabwean Postulancy community, Claret House, has a new postulant, Xavier Chibango, and two new aspirants: Effort Mupfudza and Graham Kembo. They join Kuda (aspirant) and Joseph [...]
On July 16, 1849, St. Anthony Mary Claret, with 5 other priests, founded in Vic the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Today we are 171 years old. We bless God for as much [...]
Our students of the Theologate in Granada are having these days some formative meetings around Evangelization in the Digital Continent, a sphere more and more important in our evangelizing [...]
From June 15 to 18 our Students of the Theologate of Granada had the end-of-year retreat-evaluation. It was in our house in Loja (Spain) and, besides the Formation Team, they were accompanied by [...]
Father General and the General Council approved and promulgated yesterday, March 19, 2020, Solemnity of St. Joseph, copatron of the Congregation, the new General Plan of Formation, also called as [...]
The Encounter of Claretian Students of Europe took place from February 28 to March 1. It has been in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid). Thirty-one students who study in the formation centres of Colmenar [...]