VII Sunday Ordinary Time
To love our enemies has been one of the great challenges that humanity has had from the beginning, since man was man. Because of this deficiency, there has always been conflicts between peoples and among members of the same family.
Jesus in this gospel demands more of us (because he knows that we can) and in different scenarios, he presents us with what our attitude should be. In the face of aspects that we dislike, people we find annoying or those who do not share our convictions, our way of thinking, acting, etc. asks us for humility, sometimes confused with an apparent humiliation (“to the one who slaps you on the cheek, present the other too”). It is the only way to overcome the differences between men, women, families and entire communities.
Today, this Gospel is fully applicable to our families. In a society marked by materialism, individualism and the weakening of fundamental values such as respect, effort, discipline, perseverance, generosity, charity, tolerance, etc. the conflicts in a family are inexhaustible. And there seems to be no solution if we are not able to “turn the other cheek”.
For this reason, forgiveness, the need to “forget”, to often look away and not give an importance to things that don’t really have it, becomes a fundamental tool for coexistence, peace, joy and hope within the family. In addition, the example of parents is essential. Overcoming pride and arrogance in the face of everything that bothers us or what provokes rejection in us, will strengthen the personal capacity at times of confrontation and favour the union, pardon, love and trust between parents and children.
We must not forget that Jesus preached about human weaknesses and encouraged us to improve our situation. In this difficult task let us invoke his life-giving Spirit that is sure to help us in conflict resolution.
A proposal for taking care of the family this week:
Find the source of any conflict that we may have and, between everyone, find out how to solve it.
Lourdes del Pozo and Juanjo Sánchez