CORPUS CHRISTI 2022: From Adoration to Commitment

“You give them something to eat”.

(Luke 9, 11b-17)


Every year since 1264, sixty days after Easter Sunday, the Church has celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ to proclaim the faith of believers in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Today it is celebrated in some parts of our Province.

The Solemnity of the CORPUS CHRISTI makes our Christian life together with adoration lead us by the hand to commitment to transform history with Christ until its perfection in the heavenly Jerusalem (cf. NMI 29). From adoration to commitment.

On the feast of Corpus Christi we also celebrate Charity Day. It is a propitious occasion to consider a commitment and involvement in actions of service and solidarity with our brothers and sisters most in need: through financial means, through voluntary work and with renewed attitudes.

Jesus continues to tell us today that we want to follow him: “You give them something to eat”. But not only to those who lack material food, but also to those who lack other needs that are served at a shared table, such as affection, affection, closeness, fraternity, help, solidarity, joy… to all of them we are called to share the “tablecloths” of our table and our “food”.

Happy Corpus Christi!


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