The film ‘Claret’ for reflection at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome

Last Thursday, January 13, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome hosted a meeting to reflect on: “How to bring the life of a Founder to the cinema”. The film ‘’CLARET’’ was screened followed by a round table discussion with Pablo Moreno (Director), Sergio Cardoso (actor), and Fr. Manolo Tamargo cmf (who is responsible for the project of the production of the film “CLARET,”on behalf of the Claretian Missionaries).

Here are some of the highlights:

Manolo Tamargo CMF: “For us it is important to make known the figure of St. Anthony Mary Claret, who is a treasure not only of our Congregation but of the Church”.

Pablo Moreno (director): “I have spent many hours talking to the actors. We always look for the best actors we can get. We have cases of great people who are atheists or far from the Church, but the knowledge engages, and when they know the saints up close, they change their idea about the faith or the Church. During filming, there is usually always a priest present so that anyone who wants to can talk to him. Sometimes the actors look for him more than for me, who am the director”.

Pablo Moreno (director): “There is a phrase of Pope Francis that I like very much: “There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future”. Talking about the charism of a congregation is very nice. It’s complicated because it’s like unravelling the DNA. We are all part of the same body, and each one from his charism is a diverse element”.

Sergio Cardoso (actor): “My character evolves (…). As part of that evolution, before throwing the knife at him I say “forgive me father”… In effect, something happens in your heart and in your head, you evolve with the character… You lower all the barriers and let yourself get a little bit soaked by the character, which is historical: Saint Anthony Mary Claret got him out of prison at the request of his parents, and he repaid them by trying to murder him, to which Claret responded by forgiving him again and thus saving him from the death penalty. It is unbelievable.


We, the Claretian Missionaries are happy to let you know that we are making efforts to bring, in the coming months, the movie ‘’CLARET’’ to the big screens in America and other places where it has not been launched yet.


For more information:

To read the full article, click here.

(PHOTOS: Pontifical University of the Holy Cross)


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