Workshop at the CIC

On July 12th, the course coordinators and teachers who teach technological training subjects, current and/or future FCT guidance teachers, as well as other teachers who wanted to join this formative moment, met in a workshop of reflection and analysis of the Workplace Training (FCT) developed by the Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (CIC), from a national and international perspective, which was led by Professor Gonçalo Xufre.

After the welcome and thanks from the President of the Board of Directors of CIC, P. José Maia, the Pedagogical Director, Mr. Evaristo Moreira, gave a contextualisation of this formative moment and referred to the contribution that the FCT plays in the acquisition of some competences in the formative process of the students of the thirteen technological courses.

There were also moments of individual and group reflection, whose ideas were shared with everyone at the end of the morning.

If you want to know more about this news, click here.


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