Mr. Tomás Luis Martín Rodríguez, head of the Court of Instruction No. 3 of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003) and of the pilot project of the Court of Violence against Children in the Canary Islands, gave three online conferences at the beginning of February to the cloisters of the schools of Don Benito, Las Palmas and Seville on the “New Law on Minors and its application to educational centres”.
The conference has served to learn more about the law and to remember that we are all responsible for preventing, detecting, denouncing… any violation of the rights of our minors by creating safe spaces, in line with what the Province of Fatima is developing. We would like to thank Mr. Tomás, a former pupil and parent of pupils at our school in Las Palmas, for this training which helps us to continue to take care of our pupils with care.