14 April 2019 (Palm Sunday).
Palm Sunday. Jesus enters Jerusalem and is hailed by the crowds.Greeted with palms and olive branches.
In this Sunday’s Gospel we recall the Passion of the Lord. We start Holy Weekby remembering the last moments of the life of Jesus.
Within a few days, many of those who today acclaim him will be asking, loudly and with
their fists clenched in rage, to let him be crucified.
The Apostles, Peter himself who wants todefend Jesus with the sword, shortly after they deny him. Of the 12, only John and somewomen, without forgetting his Mother, are there at the foot of the cross.
Illusions and failures. Euphoria anddefeats. Intentions and disappointments…
The impressive story told in the gospel of Luke ought to place our lifebefore Jesus. How many times has his same thing happened to me? How many promises havecome to nothing? How many times have I abandoned him? Will this be one more time?
Juan Ramon Gomez Pascual, cmf