The Claretians receive the Medal of Almendralejo 2023

The City Council of Almendralejo (Badajoz, Spain) presented on December 6, in the Carolina Coronado Theatre, the Medals of Almendralejo 2023 and the title of Distinguished Son. The decorations, proposed by the municipality, have been awarded this year to the Community of Farmers and Stockbreeders and the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians), in the case of the medals, and to Antonio Díaz Rodríguez, former president of the Centre for Tourist Initiatives, for the title of Distinguished Son.

On behalf of the Congregation of the Claretian Missionaries, Fr. Manuel Carrasco cmf received the recognition, since the major superior is participating in the meeting of Vic with the Provincial Government, who in his speech pointed out that “Almendralejo gives us much, it treats us with its characteristic kindness, and we missionaries try to give all that we are and have”.

The Plenary of the City Council of Almendralejo approved on 31 October and unanimously by all the political groups to grant the Medal of Almendralejo to the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Almendralejo, Claretian Missionaries, for their deep-rootedness in the city with pastoral work, charitable activities and other cultural, social and apostolic activities which have as their headquarters and epicentre the Mission House (Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – The Fathers of Almendralejo) and which congregates hundreds of people.



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