Take care of your family: Reflect as a family on the unjust situation that occurs in our society and propose some action in solidarit

26Th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Luke 16:19-31)

Between the rich man and the poor man of Luke’s Gospel “there is a large chasm”
– The poor man doesn’t have anything or anyone (except a dog that tries to lick his “sores” – his shortcomings-)
– The rich man has material possessions, but lacks sensitivity, reason and arguments
– Between the two, Abraham, who clearly explains that in order to open the door to the rich man he requires “conversion”
There is no doubt that the Lord is on the side of the poor
– What is the attitude of our family with those who we meet daily at the doors of the markets, shopping centres, churches…?
– Do we look at them with tenderness, do we ever go over to them, do we engage in a few words, do we know their names, do we offer ourselves to them…?


Each member of the family, choose a specific action that brings you to the stark reality of the world of exclusion and poverty and carry it out during this week:
– “Approach” and talk to a person in a situation of homelessness
– Find out which is the situation of poverty and social exclusion in your surroundings
– Reflect as a family on the unjust situation that occurs in our society and propose some action in solidarity

Manuel Devolx



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