Take care of your family: Let us share with each other what are the most important attitudes that build the family

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mt 21, 33-43)

This gospel brings to mind the obstinacy of the people of Israel (that of the murderous vinedressers), and the general rejection of Jesus’ teachings. The ambition, pride and selfishness of the evildoers would not respect any condition of the representative (servant) of the owner of the estate. This story shows, once again, how the moral turpitude of human beings does not accept anything that goes against their own interests and whims.

Applying it to us, the central protagonists of the events are the labourers: us as members of a family. The vineyard is all that God has placed at our disposal to make the best use of it. In the vineyard we cultivate our freedom, our intellectual capacity, our conscience, our values, our material goods… In order to make the most of “our vineyard,” let us follow the example of Jesus, as in prayer and all his attitudes. Let us be, within our homes, an example for our children – even when they are already adolescents or young adults – and for everyone else, converting weakness into virtue, practicing humility, generosity, availability, reconciliation…

Proposal to take care of the family this week

Let us share with each other what are the most important attitudes that build the family

Lourdes del Pozo y Juan José Sánchez

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