Take care of your family: Discuss what makes each one suffer at this time of their life.

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mt 16, 21-27)

In today’s Gospel Jesus announces the great sufferings that await him, and which will culminate in his death on the Cross, and above all in the RESURRECTION. Peter tries to make him desist from such sufferings as Jesus announces. We, too, do not like pain and suffering … even less so in the bosom of our families. But it is something we cannot avoid. That is why our whole life should be a permanent exercise in accepting the problems and sufferings that we encounter in our daily lives, and if anything should be of use to us, it should be to bring us closer to one another and to bring us closer to the Lord. That will be the way to reach GLORY. Also in our family story.

Proposal to take care of the family this week.

In the face of the crosses of the world around us, let us try to ensure that our life as Christians is based on sharing – both material and spiritual – with the most needy of our brothers and sisters, on smiling, on the joy of knowing that we are God’s beloved and chosen children, transmitting this way of being and acting in our immediate family environment. Perhaps it is a good day to discuss what makes each of us suffer most at this particular time in our lives.

Pilar López and Joaquín Devolx

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