Take care of your family: Choose among all of us a value that we need to live as a family in order to become more like Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

SUNDAY OF THE HOLY FAMILY – Mt 2, 12-15.19-23

Today’s Gospel leads us to the contemplation of the HOLY FAMILY, whose human problems were similar to the ones that many families suffer today: poverty, contempt, incomprehension, lack of work, persecution…, all of which is aggravated today by the social circumstances of the moment our society is living through.
In the Holy Family God was the CENTRE and this presence of God generated a climate of love, respect among its members, internal trust, etc. It is evident that, unfortunately, today there are not so many families that have these values presiding over their daily lives.

PROPOSAL to take care of the family this week
As Christian families we must work to establish in the intimacy of our homeenvironment of internal relationships between all its members based on the LOVE of God, whichlead to the promotion of values of forgiveness, understanding, generosity, acceptance.

Pilar López and Joaquín Devolx

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