Take care of your familiy: Discuss what it means to be a family that lives in the Truth


Once again in this time of Easter, of hope, of resurrection, Jesus in his apparitions appeals to his apostles to believe, to have faith in Him: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Here are summarized his teachings that should mark the Christian’s journey through this world. And it must also resonate continuously in the heart of the family. Christian values are a consequence of this affirmation. All our actions and family decisions and their consequences should reflect the model of Jesus: mutual tolerance, respect, permanent forgiveness, humility to accept the failures, weaknesses, setbacks that arise daily in personal and family relationships, dedication, generosity or sacrifice for others … He is the mirror to look at ourselves daily.

Proposal to take care of the family this week:
Discuss what it means to be a family that lives in the Truth.

Lourdes del Pozo and Juan José Sánchez

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