John 5, 31-47:
“And yet you refuse to come to me for LIFE!”.
In today’s Gospel Jesus regrets that the Jews did not believe in Him.
They do not see in the words and the works that he carries out, the action of God.
They are unable to discover the love of the Father in the miracles of Jesus.
They are not able to discover the deep meaning of his parables.
They even judge aggressively many of his gestures in favour of the weak, the needy and those who suffer for whatever reason.
They are closed off from life: “And yet you refuse to come to me for LIFE!”.
We also run the risk of not truly approaching Jesus to have life.
We can stay at the anecdotal and superficial level and prevent that the profound LIFE that Jesus gives us does not strain beyond the merely external.
* Go to Jesus today in a moment of prayer.
* Go during these days of Lent to Jesus by receiving the sacrament of forgiveness.
* Go frequently to Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist.
And so, you will have much LIFE.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf