Matthew 19, 27-29:
“Whoever leaves house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and inherit eternal life.”
Jesus always invites us to follow him, but he never forces us.
Following Him must be a very free act on our part.
Jesus only invites and promises.
His promise is to receive a hundred times as much as you give up to follow him.
Whoever chooses Jesus and his Gospel will never be disappointed.
But we cling to our small interests and let ourselves lose the great treasure that is given to us in Jesus.
May Jesus always come first for you.
Never think about what you lose but what you gain when you choose him.
Ask him to help you put behind him everything in your life that is in front of or before him.
Good day.
Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf