Matthew 9, 1-8:
“Get up, and pick up your bed and go off home”.
Today we are assisting at one of the miracles of Jesus.
We are presented with a paralyzed man and Jesus, when he saw their faith, enables him to stand up.
But Jesus does not want him to leave the stretcher. He even asks him to take it with him. Many times we come close to Jesus as we would a pharmacy: we want him to remove all the “stretchers” that weigh us down and that prevent us from walking as we would like.
And Jesus certainly enables us to stand up. He cures in us everything that paralyzes us. But he doesn’t want us to abandon our own “stretchers, which are our jobs, our responsibilities, our occupations, our services, including our diseases and defects.
We can’t let go of these “stretchers” because they are precisely the instruments that bring us closer to God and to others.
They will be heavy for us at times. But we have to walk with them.
Take your “stretchers” joyfully and walk with them behind Jesus.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf