Matthew 5:20-26:
“If you are bringing your offering to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar, go and be reconciled with your brother first, and then come back and present your offering”.
Jesus warns us today of a double worship that we could be performing those of us who consider ourselves to be his followers:
* On the one hand, we try to behave well with him, we want to please him. And that is why we pray, we participate in some solidarity campaign or other, we collaborate with one or other NGO, we belong to a guild or brotherhood, we participate in some of the processions, we usually go to Mass on Sundays and even during the week sometimes…
* But, on the other hand, we are also giving worship to our jealousy and hatred, to our lethargy and indifference, to our injustice and favoritism, to our materialism and sensuality, to our faults of faith, hope and charity…
We are going to work hard to ensure that our worship does not ever separate the worship that we give to God from the devotion that we have to also give our sister and brother.
The two are inseparable.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf