Matthew 28, 8-15:
“Rejoice… Do not be afraid: go and tell my brothers that they must leave for Galilee; they will see me there”.
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary have gone to the tomb where they had laid the body of Jesus.
They found it empty and heard the proclamation of the Lord’s Resurrection.
They run to tell the good news to the disciples. But before that, the Risen Lord himself comes to meet them and speaks with them by inviting them to do three things:
1°: To Joy: “Rejoice!”.
2°: To leave all fears: “Do not be afraid”.
3°: To be messengers of LIFE: “Go and tell my brothers”.
During this Easter Season seek to put yourself into situations where the risen Lord will meet with you:
1°: You’ll find that JOY has been reborn in you.
2°: That all your fears and worries DISSIPATE.
3°: And also feel the need to communicate to others the LIFE force that the resurrection of Jesus brings us.
Continue to enjoy the Resurrection of the Lord!.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf