Serving the Word: Mt 18: 1-5.10-12-14


Matthew 18, 1-5.10.12-14:
“Unless you become like children again, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven… The Father in heaven does not want even one of them to be lost”.

Who is the most important in the Kingdom of Heaven?
That is the question they ask Jesus.
That same question addressed to any of us could have had this answer or something similar: the most important is the most powerful, the most mature, the richest, the greatest leader, the most educated?
However, Jesus responds by placing a child at the centre and inviting us to build community life from that centre.
For Jesus, the little ones are the most important. They are the important ones of the Kingdom.
For Jesus, the most fragile and the smallest are the ones that need the most care.
We all have to be like shepherds who take care of, accompany and search for the lost one.
We have to take time to accompany and care for the fragile and smaller ones.
Who are the little ones and the excluded in our society?
What do I do for them?
Good day.

Antonio María Sanjuán Marín, cmf

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