Serving the Word: Mt 13: 54-58


Matthew 13, 54-58:
“Where does he get this wisdom and these miracles? Isn’t he the carpenter’s son?

The circle close to Jesus does not believe in Jesus.
As a child he ran and played in the streets of his village.
When he grew up, he worked as a carpenter with Joseph.
He has led a life like the others.
And now, his peers find it scandalous that he has this wisdom and performs these miracles.
How could all this be realized in him?
According to them, God cannot perform things in such a simple and normal way. The things of God, according to them, must be more spectacular.
But God is like that. He acts from the wisdom of the simple and the small.
It is in your hands to open yourself to that wisdom. To see God’s action and presence in the simplicity and smallness of all things.
Practise today in seeing the action and presence of God in daily life and in the simplicity of daily tasks.
Work on seeing the presence of God in each person you meet.
Good day.

Antonio María Sanjuán Marín, cmf

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