Serving the Word: Mk 8: 11-13


Mark 8, 11-13:
“The Pharisees came and began to argue with Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven.

How many times do we also ask God to give us proof of his existence, of his nearness, of his presence, of his love?
And we demand the proofs that suit us: that such a deal goes well, that such an illness is cured, that such a problem is solved…
We do not realize that God is always there giving us signs of his presence and his love.
But we have to know how to detect these signs.
We have to open our hearts to the wonders and gifts that the Lord places before us each day and places in our hands.
Ask the Lord today for the sensitivity necessary to know how to interpret and capture the signs and constant proofs of his love.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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