Serving the Word: Mk 5: 21-43


Mark 5, 21-43:
“A ruler of the synagogue came to Jesus, whose name was Jairus, and when he saw Jesus, he fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, ‘My little girl is dying. Come, lay your hands on her, so that she may be healed and live… “Jesus said to him, “Do not be afraid; it is enough for you to have faith. He went in to the girl, took her by the hand and said, “Talitha qumi” (which means, “I say to you, girl, stand up”). The girl got up immediately and started walking.

I propose that you do the following exercise of contemplation today:
1. First of all, contemplate what Jairus, the girl’s father, does: he throws himself at Jesus’ feet and prays to him insistently. These are gestures that indicate recognition, adoration, humility and, above all, much faith.
2. Contemplate the words and actions of Jesus:
a. “Do not be afraid”: Jesus repeats them several times throughout the Gospel. And he always transmits peace, harmony and serenity.
b. “He took her by the hand and said to her, ‘Stand up’: Jesus restores life. He lifts us up from discouragement, prostration and death.
3. Look at the girl too: “she got up immediately and walked”: With the word and the strength of Jesus, death becomes life.
4. And, finally, consider yourself:
* Do you throw yourself at Jesus’ feet and pray to him many times with insistence and faith.
* Do you put your fears, worries and deaths in the hands of Jesus and let Him take you by the hand and raise you up?
* With the help and strength of Jesus, are you able to stand up and walk?
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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