Serving the Word: Mk 3: 20-21

Mark 3, 20-21:
“Jesus went home again with his disciples and once more such a crowd collected that they could not even have a meal. When his relatives heard of this, they set out to take charge of him, convinced he was out of his mind”.

St. John of God was known as the ‘Madman of Granada’ because his behaviour was not normal.
The reason is that a person in love acts more from the heart than from the head.
St. John of God, like all the saints, was a faithful follower of Jesus. And Jesus was a lover of the things of the Father.
Jesus loved the poor, the sick, children, the week, those who don’t count, etc. And his heart brought him to act in their favour. For this reason, his own relatives began to think he was crazy.
Certainly, Jesus suffered from the ‘madness of love’.
Hopefully they also think of us, the followers of Jesus, as ‘crazy’ people.
That they also say that ‘we are not in our right mind’ because we are in love with the things of the Father.
Ensure that today you commit, even though it be very small, some ‘madness of love’.
Good day

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf

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