“Nobody puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins too. No! New wine, fresh skins!”
To come to understand the relationship that Jesus has with us, the Gospel today uses the symbol of a wedding feast. It is a relationship in which joy, hope, elation reigns.
Being with Jesus Christ is like always being at a wedding accompanied by the bridegroom, who is Himself, savouring this moment of elation, hope and joy.
Being with Jesus can never lead us to sadness but rather just the opposite.
With Jesus everything is new because He is the new wine that renews everything.
Pope Francis tells us that with Jesus joy is always being born and reborn.
That your joy is not superficial or short-lived. Nor is it stale.
That your joy always comes from your renewed and deep relationship with Jesus Christ
Don’t doubt it: the deeper and more profound your relationship is withJesus, the more surprises you will find in your life and in all that surrounds you.
Always put the new wine that Jesus provides into the new wineskin of your continually renewing life.
In this way your joy will always be deep and profound.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf